Excharge International Pte. Ltd. accepts an investment from IC Net Limited

Excharge International Pte. Ltd.
November 21, 2016

Excharge International Pte. Ltd. (Tomoharu SAWAHATA, Director), a company that was incorporated in Singapore and has been developing systems to use surplus electricity generated by motor vehicles, accepts an investment from IC Net Limited (Morihiro TADA, President), a company that was incorporated in Japan and has been providing consulting services on official development assistance (ODA). As a result of IC Net Limited’s investment of 66,666 Singapore Dollars, the total capital of Excharge International Pte. Ltd. is now 333,333 Singapore Dollars. Excharge International Pte. Ltd. provides products and services that enable people of emerging markets and developing countries such as Bangladesh, Kenya, Tanzania, and Benin to use large electric appliances. In addition, based on the insights and know-how acquired through its work to address electricity shortfalls in those markets and countries, the company provides consulting services to help realize a better world.IC Net Limited has implemented ODA projects in more than 100 countries since 1993. The experiences of IC Net Limited in business incubation and poverty reduction in emerging markets and developing countries will be combined with the know-how of Excharge International Pte. Ltd. in using surplus electricity generated by motor vehicles. The technologies of Excharge International Pte. Ltd. enable people in off-grid areas to use large electric appliances such as TV and refrigerator. Our goal is to provide a business-based solution to the shortage of electricity in emerging markets and developing countries, which is a global social challenge.

IC Net Limited
Representative: Morihiro TADA
Established in: October 1993
Address: Land Axis Tower, 27th Floor, 11-2 Shintoshin, Chuo-ku, Saitama-shi, Saitama 330-6027, JAPAN
TEL: +81-48-600-2500 / FAX: +81-48-600-2501
Main business activities: ODA consulting, investment in venture companies, human resource development
Number of employees: 150 (as of October 2016)
Website: http://www2.icnet.co.jp/

Excharge Int'l(P)がアイ・シー・ネット株式会社からの出資を受け入れ

シンガポールに本社を置く、自動車やバイクが走行中に発生する余剰電力を活用するシステムの開発を行うExcharge International Pte. Ltd.(Director 澤幡知晴)(以下「Excharge International」)は、さいたま市に本社を置く開発コンサルティング会社、アイ・シー・ネット株式会社(代表取締役社長 多田盛弘)から66,666シンガポール・ドルのご出資をいただき、資本金を333,333シンガポール・ドルといたしました。

Excharge Internationalでは、バングラデシュ、ケニア、タンザニア、ベナンを含む新興国および開発途上国でより多くの人がスマートフォンをはじめ、テレビや冷蔵庫といった家電製品を使えるようにするサービスの開発に取り組んでいます。また、現場で得られた知見は、海外への事業展開や新興国および途上国の電力不足という社会課題解決に興味のある個人や企業にフィードバックし、より良い社会の実現への貢献を目指します。

アイ・シー・ネット株式会社がこれまで100ヵ国を超える国々で実施した政府開発援助(ODA)プロジェクトで培った新興国や途上国でのベンチャー企業の育成や貧困削減のための知見を、Excharge Internationalが有する自動車やバイクなどの余剰電力を家電製品向けに活用するノウハウと組み合わせることで、新興国や途上国における電力不足という社会課題の解決に向け、民間事業と公的開発事業の知見が融合した新しい開発効果の実現を目指します。
